Unbeaten paths

How to accept being different

Emotional regulation

Letting the monster stay at the party

Mini vacations

Enabling the ultimate switch

Playing on “hard”

An inversion of a life’s viewpoint


A year of (re)definition


Feeling mortal for the first time


Essential practices, processes and roles for working with data


A language of self-discipline


A year to toughen up

Achieving fulfillment in tech

Is being a “senior” enough?

Core traits of a skilled software engineer

There’s more to it than technical skills

Changing reality

A simple guide to mastery

Software development

Under the hood

A Christmas journey through Europe

A limbic journey

Leaving a trail

My way of work

Modern day office job health tips

Improvements to your sedentary, screen bound life

Staying present

Snap yourself out of the matrix

Goodbye cruel Facebook world

I’m leaving you today


A year of challenges


A year of changes

A Scala Christmas Tree

Let’s make it a Scala-ble XMAS

Working with nulls in Spark UDFs

How User Defined are these Functions?

I against I

How to persevere during hardship

Trip to Rajasthan, India

A place you need to visit at least once in your lifetime

Ruminations on life

An Interstellar aftermath

Lighting the torch

My music journey and the learnings from it

Because it’s hard

Run away, run home